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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Comedy Central in the Matthews House

Here is our comedian:
How in the world could I have more to say about this girl?
1/3 of my posts are devoted to her alone.
Oh, trust me.  I have PLENTY of material. 
She is not hyper or wild.  She is just busy, rough, and very, very goofy.
She is just like every other kid, only her intensity dial is turned up about 6 notches.
Christian has a guilty conscience.  So, when I send him to his room to cool off or for time-out, he usually comes back out crying "I am so sorry, Mama."  I put Tay in her room for a nap.  She takes a nap every day.  I guess she thought she'd try something new.  She came out of her room, putting on the saddest face she could contort, and said "I sorry, Mama.  I so sorry."  I didn't know what to say to that, so I just put her back in her bed. 
The other day we were in the car driving around.  She said "Mama!  I have a lil' tiny one!  See?  Its tiny."  I just said "uh-huh", since I was driving and couldn't exactly see what she was talking about.  I heard her say "I go faster!  Vroooooommmm...".  So, at the stop light, I looked in my rear view mirror and she had the top clip to her seat belt gripped in each hand, turning it side to side.  It was her lil' tiny steering wheel.  Oh, man... I laughed and laughed. 
If she is singing and someone else chimes in, she will quickly stop singing and say "Stop it.  That's enough.  I do it myself."  Well, okay then.
She got in trouble for the 74th time one day (every day).  I put her in her room, smacked her hand, and left her alone to cool down.  I heard her screaming at me "I still a baby!  Don't do that!  I still a baby!"  She does still consider herself a tiny baby.  I guess this time she thought she'd use that to put a guilt trip on me for getting her in trouble.  It didn't work.  But, I did laugh - as I usually do, which makes punishment awkward.
She and Christian were eating their breakfast.  I went out back to check on our garden.  I heard her crying, so I came back in.  She was whining "Christian told me that!  No, sir!  Christian told me that!  Christian told me thaaaaaat!"  I asked her "Christian told you what?"  She replied "That I are.  But, I not!"  Very viable argument.  I are? - I would be super P.O.'d, too!  How dare he.

She has a new trick to get out of cleaning up her messes.  She runs to grab her baby doll, hold her in her arms, and says "No momma!  I can't clean up!  I not had hands!"  Then she says "Ssssshhhhhhh!!!!  Be quiet.  My baby is sleeping.  Be quiet.", as I am telling her she needs to clean up before I take her baby away.  I usually do end up taking her baby away and putting her down for a nap on Tay's bed, to free up her hands.  It still takes her about 17 minutes to gather up 3 toys out of the living room.  Pro.crast.in.ator BIG TIME.
I went outside to check on the kids.  I asked Tay "Did you eat dog food?"  She said "no."
She looks honest.  Nevermind the brown crumbs around her mouth.
This is how she was watching cartoons the other morning:
Really.  Who sits in a plant pot on the coffee table?
I stood by her one morning while she was just being Tay and took picture after picture.  Every single shot is different than the other.  Every single one is goofy. 
She is a complete ham. 




P.S. That blue onesie is a huge deal in our house.  If its clean, she is wearing it.  She calls it her "baby jammies".  We got it for her in Vegas at the Sugar Factory last year.  She never wore it then but it now she looooves it.  She got the name because I was trying to make it less appealing by telling her "no, babies wear that."  She also has "baby jammies" at my mom's house.  She changes into that onesie as soon as she gets there. 
(She is actually wearing it in the pic where she is sitting in the plant pot.)  

1 comment:

  1. I think I raised the SAME child!!! They even look alike. Natalee always made me laugh when she was in trouble. I would just tell her that I was really, really mad and that she was in really big trouble as I lmao!


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