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Thursday, October 11, 2012


Bam Bam.
Or Bamalamadingdong.
One of our dogs.
He is the best.

He never runs off.  I don't think I could make him run off if I wanted him to. 
He is lazy. (which is a big plus!)
He is so patient with the kids.  There have been plenty of times where he should've bitten them. 
He babysits the kids when they go outside.  He always HAS to go outside when they're out.
He barks at questionable strangers. 
I love how he lays by the kids' doors when they're taking naps.
 Or when he is waiting on them to wake up in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that's too cute how he lays outside they're rooms. What a sweety :)



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