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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Zoo Day with Daddy

Ryan took a half-day off of work so he could visit the zoo with me and the kids.  There weren't many people out at all, so it was a great day to go.  Plus, XTO sponsors the Fort Worth Zoo, so we had discounted tickets.  I packed up some snacks, blankets, and the stroller... and we were off!

Taylor Rose wanted to see "up high!," as she always says.
... But, her "up high" always collapses like this.  You should see the looks and laughs we get.  People stop Ryan all the time to tell him that she has fallen.  What, like he didn't know?  Well, duh!  Christian did the same thing.
 Christian tried to stay bundled up.  It was chilly when the wind blew.
Christian found a friend. I love this picture!
 These little ducks had mohawks.
 Looking for bears.
 A two-headed zebra!!

The kids were both totally pooped afterwards.  They crashed as soon as we dropped Ryan off at work.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the zoo pics, but I am such a sucker for turtles. That pic of CK and the turtle is priceless. I totally need a copy of that one! Taylor is looking so cute in her pictails these days! Love you guys!
    The Melton's


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