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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Knee-boarding munchkin

I now have those pictures I previously "typed" about... Little Christian knee-boarding it up!

I have been water skiing since I was 7 or 8 - maybe younger.  Water sports are a huge part of my family.  My mom spent every summer at her parents' lake house when she was growing up.  Each of her cousins and uncles have a lake house or two.  A lot of them (and there are A LOT!)  run ski schools or own boat shops.  My grandpa owned a boat shop, my uncle owned a boat shop, and both built custom boats.  There are many trophies throughout my family for water sports and snow sports.  We spent almost every weekend of my childhood and teenage years at the lake on my Mom's boat.  Tubing, wakeboarding, skiing, and knee-boarding were always part of the fun (my shoulders have the spots to prove it).  We recently added wake surfing to the repertoire.  I am really so glad that Christian is picking up on one of my favorite past-times. 

Look at all the little kiddos watching CK tear it up! 
 I had Ryan wear the Bjorn carrier so I could help CK. 
'The Hangover' flashbacks!  hahaha! 
Ryan had to, um, relieve himself.  Since Taylor was sleeping so soundly, we didn't want to take her out of the carrier.  Ryan tried to go off the end of the boat, but thought he would fall in.  So I held onto him as the rest of the crew watched...

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