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Monday, July 29, 2013

The Time I Laughed When I Wasn't Supposed To...

Yeah, like that's only happened once.
I actually laughed ALL OVER again while I was loading these videos.  You'd think I wasn't there to see it in person.  I am still wiping the tears off of my face.  Literally.
Here is some background to the videos...

Christian had a end-of-the-school-year program at MRBA.  He dreaded it.  He is used to being the cool kid.  Put him on some kind of a board or any given sport, and he'd love to show off.  But, ask him to sing a little diddy that requires sassy hand movements and frolicking around like a just-bathed dog and there's no way he's going to have any part of it. 
I bribed him and did everything I could to make him chipper.  But, there was no sugar coating the fact that he was being forced onto a stage so that lots of strangers could witness and document him skipping, chirping, and lollygagging around like a imbecile chasing invisible bees.
All the grandparents came.  Kelli came, too.  My mom sat down next to Tay.  She made a horrendous choice in her seating decision.  A reeeally horrible choice.  Almost lethal.  Not so much to her, though I bet she'd argue that, but more so to the program. 
My laughter was almost too much to hold in.  I could've made a scene.  (Its not like I haven't done that before.) It wasn't a big auditorium and I was heard by MANY.  Teachers glared.  Parents stared.  (Sounds like the start of an Edgar Allen Poe poem, eh?)
 My mom got started on laughing, too.  Thick and heavy laughing.  But then I guess she realized that laughing = more breathing.  And that is wherein her mistake lay.  Her seat was right next to a young fellow that didn't believe in showers... or deodorant.  Or maybe he simply liked to douse himself in two-day-old tomcat urine before presenting himself in public.  I mean, really, who knows?
 And our audience participation song... that song... yeah... it was "Cabeza, Hombros, Piernas, Pies"... The Spanish version of the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes".
She looked at me with the "Are you freakin' kidding me?!" face.  Then she said "Are you freakin' kidding me?!"
I lost it.
So, I walked off (really not as inconspicuously as I had planned) to record CK.  And that (meaning CK) made me laugh more.  So, excuse the shaky camera.  I do, however, deserve MAJOR props for not laughing too loudly!
(Notice my mom's "discrete" body language when I turn the camera towards her.)

This is one of the times I almost completely lost it.  This is the face top of the head of a mortified kid:

And here are a few other videos of things that weren't too preposterous for CK to kinda-sorta participate in:
And just so the other kids don't feel left out, here they are climbing around and doing things that scare the other parents on the playground at MRBA.  (Boring stuff, actually) :
(She's really high up there, they said.)
 (She's eating the tiny rocks, they said.)



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