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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Another Tayle

Another story about Tay?  Seriously?
And I don't post every story.  I do have other things to do... plus, they're not all appropriate.  Most of them embarrass or gross the crap out of Ryan.  He has specifically asked that I not share every.single.story with him.  (Filtering is not my strong suit.)
As I have said before, her morning hair is so suiting.
She enjoys destroying.  Anything.  She is not discriminatory when it comes to what she will tear up.  Her own head fell victim when she went to ruin her hairdo. You'd think this hurt! I understand completely, though... my mom has a massive clump of hair that I ripped out as a kid. She has it in my baby book.  Though, my destructiveness didn't extend past my own hair. 

She starts out so cute every morning.

Then, by lunch time, she looks like this - no matter the weather.  (This is one of her "in trouble" faces)

She likes to ask me really random questions or make really odd demands.  Just yesterday she started screaming at me in the car "This is the wrong store!  Noooooo!  This is not the right store!!!".  She also said "I need to go tee tee.  We need to go to the Cowboys.  I will tee tee on their numbers again.  I need to."(She peed on the 50 yard line when we were there).  Other times she will say things like "Maven needs to eat your boob."  Or, she will wake up from a dead sleep at 12:00 am, whining "I waaaant to go swimmmming!!"
So, I usually don't have a quick response.  It takes me a minute to register what she just said and it takes me a bit to come up with a response. 
Her response to my lack of response is "Mom!  Talk!".  So, a lot of times I just say "oh".  Then she says "Don't say 'oh'!".  Which makes me laugh more.  So she says "Don't laugh!".  I don't really know what to do after that.  I've already given it my all.  I need a bag of cookies to keep in my hand.  She won't talk if she has food.
She is also clumsy.  Or careless.  I should say careless because she can do some things with grace.  Her she is using her coordination:

But, most times she does some really uncoordinated things.  Yesterday, she was standing at the end of her bed.  Just standing there.  Suddenly, her feet shot backwards under her bed and she fell forward to the ground.  Random accidents like that are part of her life.  At dinner the other night (almost every night) her chair fell over with her in it.  We were in public.  A few night ago she knocked over the entire table.  We were in public, again.  It shot food and tea all over the floor.  She was completely unfazed.  Its become the norm for her. 
Its a good thing she is so friggin' cute and sweet.

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