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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baby Things

A baby's size is soooo misleading.  You'd think they don't need much room, but that's completely false.  They need an entire house to themselves with all their gear - swings, jumpers, bouncy seats, Boppys, Bumbos, highchairs, strollers, wraps, diapers, diaper Genies, burp rags, etc.  The worst, but almost essential, is the ExerSaucer stationary walker/playcenter (or, when I was a tot, it was a plain old red and white walker). 
I do NOT like baby things all over the place.
I try to keep our gear to a minimum.  We do have a swing that stays in my bedroom.  Its white and tan, so it sort of blends in.  I also have a Boppy in my bed and a milk pump chillin' somewhere accessible.  Other than that, you probably won't see much baby gear sitting around.  I put the ExerSaucer up every time its not in use. 
Before a recent trip, I decided that we should probably purchase a Bumbo seat.  I never had one for the other kids because I couldn't justify paying $40 for a small foam seat that would only get used for about 4 months (age 2 months to 6 months, or so).
But, we did.  I bought it used, though.  And I love it!  I don't know what I ever did without it!  Maven loves it, too.  $15 VERY well spent!  (Plus, its my fave color!)
Yeah, I heard about the recall.  EVERYTHING is a hazard.  A shoe lace can kill someone, but I am not about to pull them out of all of our shoes.  Apparently a baby fell over while sitting on a counter.  So, the recall sends owners a seatbelt.  How does that work, exactly?  It keeps the baby safely in her seat as she topples to the floor?  
Hhhhmmm...  No, thanks.
  I think recalls should just be "Here's Your Sign" notices...
Your baby fell off the kitchen counter while you were watching Desperate Housewives?
Here's your sign.

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