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Tuesday, August 14, 2012


When Christian was just a wee one I wrote down a bunch of cute things he would say and recorded them here.  I have been doing the same for Taylor Rose, but I started when she was much younger since she is such a great talker.  For the most part, she says things correctly.  So, her list is shorter than Christian's.
She loves soft things, almost as much as she loves smells.  (I actually had to console her crying a second ago because she said her Pillow Pet stinks.)  Just today, she walked up to me while rubbing her hiney cheek with her hand.  She said "Its soft.  Feel it."  So, I did.  She rubbed it again and said "See?  My hiney is soft." 
She also has an little obsession with crying.  If someone else is crying, she is completely intrigued.  She asks about crying a lot. For example, I was working on my computer and she came over and put her foot on my keyboard (she regularly does this).  I said "Uh-uh.  No ma'am.  Your little feet will mess up my computer and that will make me sad."  She said "Will it make you cry?"  Another example... when I was putting her to bed for a nap, she was crying about it.  She stopped crying to say "I am crying!"  She cracks me up every day with funny things like that!  She likes to remind me  "I am not whining!  I am crying!" when I ask her to quit to whining.
She loves to eat butter.  Weird.  Gross.
Aside from her little quirks, she has an incredible memory and can carry on a lengthy full-fledged conversation with just about anyone.

Some funny things she says:
Boink (What a pig says)
T.B. (T.V.)
Puppy hair (anything soft)
Yeh may'm - she says this very quickly (yes ma'am)
"explicit" (frog)
mouf (mouth)
Tay Rose (name)
Chrishink, used to be Shishin (Christian)
Memonade (lemonade)
Gee-erl, just like CK said it (Girl)
Mamen (Maven, though she now says this correctly)
mas (more, though she now says this correctly)
hab it (have it)

And, just because its always fun to see a picture, here is Taylor Rose caught in action dipping her plastic ice cube in Ryan's glass while he was mowing.  She was sucking the wine off of it:

1 comment:

  1. Taylor you are so awesome! I love the time I get to spend with you!!!
    Jess M


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