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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sob Story

The kids were playing outside and found a...
...small poodle. 
Small dogs are like candy to my kids.  I am talking "Of Mice and Men" here.
The poor thing.  She didn't know what to do with all the attention.  It was a bit overwhelming.

The kids even got out a little magnet ruler to show her other little dogs, thinking she'd like that.  (BTW, she did NOT like other dogs.  She harrassed Bam.)

I explained to Christian that she had a home and we needed to find her parents, but I don't think he was listening.

We left the dog in our backyard and went out for one of Ryan's Fathers' Day dinners.  On our way out, we hung a few signs up around the neighborhood with our phone number.  During dinner, we got the call... that dog belonged to our neighbors a few houses down.  Ryan told him to just go in our backyard and get her.  Christian was straining to hear every word.  He was completely distraught!

As soon as we got home, he ran the entire three houses down to give that dog a very dramatic farewell. 

I think this story has a very happy ending, but Christian would beg to differ.  Even as I write this post, he is expressing his deep seated pain from the tramatic event.


  1. At least he can still visit her! :)

  2. ya! At least she is close! That was a great story and CK your heart is so amazing, you have lots of greatness coming to you your whole life and you made that little dog so happy until she found her home, just like you would want someone to do for your pets! Love you little dude!
    Jess M


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