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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

XTO Christmas Party 2011

XTO put on another FABULOUS Christmas party.  The food was sooooo super good.  Massive shrimp, crab cakes, cheese and cracker bar - and that was just the appetizers.  The meal consisted of grass fed beef filet, free-range chicken breast, grilled asparagus, wild rice, sweet potato/baked potato bar, and many desserts. 
We usually take some friends with us, but this year I was the guest since I no longer work for XTO/ExxonMobil.
The boys enjoyed the open bar.  I got some very dirty looks when I went to get Ryan's drinks for him. 
It was so good to see everyone.  Some co-workers became like family after seeing them day after day for years.  Most of all, it was good to get out of my gym clothes (my stay-at-home uniform these days) and all dressed up for a little socializing with good company.
My belly decided to pop out about 4 days before the party, so at least I looked pregnant and not just bloated. 

Ryan and I attempted a picture.
(Which we never do b/c we both end up frustrated.  He just can NOT take a normal pic.)
 We attempted again
 Third time was a charm, sort of.
 We decided to try really hard not to try.  Ryan still looks goofy!
 Shane and Tristan, who suck for taking cute and normal pictures.
 Bumpin it
 More girls!
 Mr. Jay
 We were checking out our old people faces.  Ya know, when your cheeks sink in and, er, you get fish mouth?  Hahaha!

1 comment:

  1. You look beautiful in those pics, Mer!!



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