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Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Fun = Tired Mom

As true with most people, we have been going going going all summer long.  As it is, just this year we have vacationed in 5 different states.  Our weeks are filled with outings to the park, skatepark, pool, friends pool, or some lake nearby.  I can not sit still and my kids are equally energetic.  Its beginning to wearing on me. 
I. am. pooped. 
(Pooped but still up blogging at 11:45, huh?) 
I put TaylorRose in her super cute rain clothes the other day when it was coooold and rainy.  She couldn't walk in them.  Hahaha! 
 CK finished up soccer and got his super cute little trading cards.  Awww!
 Surprise!  TaylorRose likes chocolate.  (Since she was, like, 3 months old)  She also has severe cravings for dog bones.  She runs like mad if she realizes I am about to take her canine treasure away from her.
 Tubin' at the pool
Dunkin' at the pool
 Chillin' at the pool
 CK hit up the diving board!  First time ever!
 TaylorRose looooves to jump off the side to me.  She does it as soon as she gets near water.  This could be bad... I gotta keep my eye an that girl.
 And she wants to swim.  I let her go for a second and she bobs up and down like a buoy.  Blubber is bouyant!  Haha!  (OMG!  I just noticed that the word "bouy" is the root of bouyant.  Fun!)


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