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Friday, August 6, 2010

Friends in low, really low, places

Recently, Ryan decided to empty out his storage.  Enclosed in this storage unit were boxes of things that have been locked up for years.  My thoughts were if he hasn't missed anything in there then he probably doesn't need it.  He seems to think that the cure for cancer could be hiding in the boxes... who knows?  So, to avoid paying unnecessary storage fees, he emptied it all out.  I counted 22 boxes.  There were more than that.  What was in those boxes?  Things like unopened mail from 2002, free catalogs, a balled up old t-shirt, a nasty college football with the paint peeling off, and single socks.  I must also note the FIVE large moving-sized boxes of baseball cards.  The mismatched socks are the key here... stay tuned for this point to drop from 2 feet over your head...
I stayed home with the kids on Monday.  Both were brewing up colds and feeling a little under the weather.  This is Taylor's first illness, so I was being extra cautious.  Her immune system seems more suseptible than mine or Christian's.  She must have Ryan's nose. 
I used to joke and call Ryan a ninja... saying he was in a daily war battling pollen agents.  I think he lost that fight.
Back to the socks... we used our noggins and decided to put these useless socks to use.  Aha!  We gathered supplies to make sock puppets!  Unfortunately, the socks were MIA.  We improvised with some socks that I didn't feel guilty parting with.  (We later found the socks in question.  Oh, well.)

This is Spike and Sissy.  Spike is scary (he has sharp teeth, but I would say his disposition is relatively sweet).  Sissy grew up in a trailer park way deep south . She loves to ride motorcycles and big trucks.
 Here are Spike and Funny Man.  Ryan usually plays Funny Man.  OMG!  CK and I looooove the abrupt annoying voice he does for this character!  We crack up so hard every time. 
 Here you can sort of see Spike's teeth.  Spike is CK's creation.  I drew the teeth and nose.  He colored him.

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