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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My favorite color is water!

Christian has been working on his colors, recognizing his ABC's and numbers, counting, and writing. He is 3 now and I figured most kids can do these things by this age. His nanny has been working with him using fridge magnets. I work with him at home on his little chalkboard/dry erase board. He also goes to the library for study time every Friday.
So far, he can recognize A-G. He is still working on H, I, and J. He is okay at recognizing numbers. He can count to 10 and can write a "C" for Christian. So, yeah... he is progressing.
But, he learns in such a different way. For example, red is not red to him. It is "stop." Green is "go"... yellow is "go slow".... blue is "water"... and so on. He is obviously not color blind, but just can't recall the actual names of colors. Even if we ask "Where is green?" he gets confused. But when we ask where "go" is, and he knows exactly what we are talking about. The same with his ABC's. He can point out "apple" (instead of "A"), "baseball" (instead of "B"), "Christian" (instead of "C"), "dog" (instead of "D"), "elephant" (instead of "E")... you get the idea. But if he is just asked where "A" is, he is lost. The letters don't have pictures of these word associations on them or with them. They are just plain letters.
He learns so fast in some areas, but really seems to struggle with learning these names. Maybe it just isn't his thing. But then again, he did learn his own full name and birthday when he was only 18 months.... so why is this any different? Hhhhmmm...

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