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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Halloween Preparations for the Sluggish

We spent a bit more time preparing for this holiday than I actually had available.  I mean, I am one busy gal these days.  I know, I know, everyone says that.  But, really.  I am... cooking almost every meal (why, oh why, don't we eat frozen pizza or sandwiches around here?), being an obsessive neat freak and organization nerd, school with CK and Tay, laundry, Christmas shopping, regular out of town trips, social events, cutting/coloring/styling hair, crafts, blogging, family time, nursing a baby, photography, babysitting at church, teaching Sunday school, and dealing with any other mishaps that happen in between my routine chores.  I am wearing thin.  I actually went in to have all of my blood-levels checked because I thought I was anemic.  The results all came back fine, so I think it may just be lack of sleep.  Not counting our one kid-less vacation, I have not had a night where I didn't wake up at least five times in over four years.  I can't sleep well when I am pregnant from being so sick, then there's the baby wakeups (the girls don't sleep through the night - still now), then there's CK with his nighttime leg cramps, and any other things that might come up in the wee hours.  I would still like to have my hormones checked to rule that out.  Though, I am sure my hormones are a mess due to milk-making.
We took the kids and went with Mark, Nikki, and Kelli to Green's to pick the perfect pumpkin.  (That, my friends, is alliteration at its finest!) 


We took the pumpkins home to have our way with them.


This is Kelli's masterpiece:
Mark and Nikki actually carved their pumpkins.

We took the seeds home with us so I could give roasting a whirl.  They turned out FANTABULOUS! 

I let the kids separate the seeds from the guts for me.  My intention was, even if no seeds survived the genocide of the slop, at least it kept their little hands busy for a while. 

In doing so, they dropped about 7/8ths of the seeds in the grass and on the porch.  There is a silver lining, though.  We now have randomly placed pumpkin plants in our yard!

Our finished product, aka front door:

I just noticed that I never did take a picture of my pumpkin.  With blue, green, and silver glitter and glue, I made huge polka dots all over my Cinderella pumpkin.  I then painted a funky "M" on the front.


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