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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A family of five.

Apparently, Christian found my phone and took some candid photos.  I wasn't aware of this incriminating evidence until just the other day as I flipped through my pics. 
This has been me lately:

And while I am being me lately, this is Taylor Rose lately:

Yes, she gets into EVERYTHING!  It helps to just lay on her floor, close her door, and let her do her thing while I catch a few Z's.
Why have I been sleeping so much?
Because of this:
(How can anyone say that this isn't a baby at 11 1/2 weeks?  It is definitely a LIFE... a sweet baby.)
Its true.
Yes, it was a HUGE surprise.
I was always one of those people that didn't believe in accidental pregnancies. I was that annoying person that would cleverly say "It takes two to tango."  I never took into consideration that it only takes one to do the Roger Rabbit (or in Ryan's case its the Lawnmower, his signature dance move... his only dance move).  I thought we all know how it happens, if you are taking the right precautions then there should be no surprises.  Right?  Well, I now disagree with myself.  I don't take any oral contraceptives because I fully believe they do more harm than good.  It seems like they are always being recalled because of some very dangerous side effects.  It just doesn't seem good to mess around with what our bodies are made to do.  Plus, they mess with hormones and weight, blah, blah, blah.  So... we practice other safety measures.  Unbeknownst to my knowledge, these practices we use were on some sort of a sabbatical.  (Though, Ryan was surely in on this.)  After a few weeks, I felt different and couldn't shake that feeling of "maybe".  So, I took a test to rule out the possibility since I had a few on hand from Tay.  I fully expected it to say "Not Pregnant" and then I could blame my weirdness on that-time-of-the-month rearing its ugly head.  Instead, my little blue and white stick flashed a huge "Sucker!  You are soooo pregnant!".  I cried.  I denied.  I thought about how I wasn't ready just yet and that Tay is still a baby, herself.  I called Ryan and got mad.  He apologized. 
Now, I am okay with it.  Since we didn't plan this one, I won't ever think to myself "maybe we should have tried sooner so the kids would be closer in age" or "maybe we should have waited a bit longer".  This time it happened just as it was supposed to.  God said "Let her be pregnant!" and BOOM, so it was.  We weren't even sure if we were going to have more than two babies.  Decision decided!
I am now close to entering my 2nd trimester and am 11 weeks.  This little person's EDA is April 12. 
**Weird thing about that date... While at my dad's about 3 months ago, we were all discussing birthdays and how we had at least one in almost every month.  April was one of the 2 months that we were missing a birthday in our immediate family. 

Meanwhile, Taylor Rose is totally taking advantage of my vulnerability:

This is her getting in the candy drawer.  I had put the kitchen stool on top of the counter to keep her out.  She hauled the bathroom stool all the way to the kitchen on a serious mission.  I figured she deserved a piece of candy after that.  (P.S. She will not leave her panties on.  I do NOT know why.)
 She found Christian's markers and colored all over my white couch.  Twice.
 And the carpet.  Twice.
Happens once shame on you, happens twice shame on me - right?  Well, I did take all the markers away and hide them.  But she is smart and must have known what I was going to do before I even did.  I think she took a few markers and made a secret stash so she could color whenever I wasn't looking.  The second day was so bad that I wasn't even amused enough to take pictures.  The whole breakfast area was black with marker.  The walls had scribbles all over them.  The table behind the couch, the kids' desks, the back of the couch, the pillows, the back door, the sides of the couch... everywhere.  Christian and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie.  I thought she was playing quietly behind us.  Again, she was smart and knew to not come into my view.  Neither one of us saw her in the 3 minutes it took her to destroy everything. 
And now we're having another one. 


  1. wow- congratulations!!! That is exciting! And I am sorry- but i was laughing pretty good at the marker story. Those little stinkers!!

  2. Oh my gosh oh my gosh! Congratulations!!!!! WoW, how awesome, what a blessing!! (being prego again! Not, Taylor coloring all over your stuff!) Awesome post! Thanks for sharing and we are so happy for you guys!
    Jess, Mike and Sydney Melton

  3. Hahaha! Taylor is so funny! & Congrats! Auston said Mark told him a few weeks ago. :) & you should have known she was being too quiet when she was coloring...I've always heard---if they're too quiet, they're up to no good!!!


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