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Saturday, August 6, 2011

A box of tricks.

As most moms do, I think my baby is a genius. 
Taylor Rose can point out and say all of her body parts - eye, ear, nose, mouth, head, feet, etc.  She can say a few animal noises and animal names.  She knows how old she is.  And she has a very extensive vocabulary... probably a girl thing.  She started talking very early and now has over 40 words she says on a regular basis.  Some she uses to show off her little attitude, like when she tells me "No ma'am" or "No!  Mine." or yells "Go!" (as in get away).  Other times she uses her words to show her sweet side, like when she says "thank you" or "muah" (kiss noise) or "Pleeeeeeease Mommy!" (I love this one!).  It cracks me up when she peaks around the corner and says "Boo!".  One of my favorite things she does is sing.  There is nothing sweeter than a little baby voice singing a happy jingle.  Her favorites are "E-I-E-I-Oooo"(Old McDonald) and "Happy, happy, happy" (If you're happy and you know it).
She is pretty much potty trained.  There are accidents sometimes when we are away from home, but while we are home she does VERY good.  She does still wear a diaper during naps and at night.
Tay's favorite things are shoes, shoes,dancing, glitter, puppies, anything fuzzy or soft, sparkle, dancing, music, babies, shoes, dancing, food, shoes, and shoes.  She also has a very odd fascination with things that smell good.  We have been known to enter a restaraunt with a sweet-smelling candle in tow to keep Taylor Rose occupied. 
Her name is changed up a lot... its one of those flexible names that can contort.  Christian mostly calls her Tay, quite a few others call her Taylor Rose (which is actually what her name is supposed to be), others call her just Taylor or Tator, and then there are the pet names like "baby girl" and "sweet pea".
As far as her personality goes, she is definitely the most stubborn person in our family.  By far.  She is very goofy and loves to be the center of attention.  She does not have a single shy bone in her body.  In fact, she is known to go sit in the laps of strangers or ask them to hold her.  She makes it a point to say "hi" to every person she sees.  She is also VERY, VERY clumsy always has some sort of bump or scrape on her little body.
I tried and tried to capture a few of her talents on video, but, being the very stubborn girl she is, she had a different agenda.  It took me over 8 tries to get even one single trick on camera, so I consider myself lucky to have these few seconds of footage.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! Stubborn for sure! Too cute.



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