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Friday, August 6, 2010

Fuzzy feeling

The kids had a bath together the other night. 
{Insert unisom "Aaaawwww" here}
It wasn't their first bath together, so it certainly doesn't deserve any milestone marker.  But I did get a few pictures.

(I gotta get this shutter speed thing down!)

 I later asked Christian what he wants for his birthday.  I just can't get enough of the things kids come up with!  Here is what he had to say:

And a few weeks ago, Christian was talking about his girlfriend, Jaiden.  He made her a monster.  How sweet it that?  No one has ever made me a monster before!  I would have been all over that when I was four! 


1 comment:

  1. Those pics are ridiculously adorable! You can just see how much they love each other!

    HAHAHA! Jaiden LOVES nice monsters! Man, he's cute.



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