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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dinner, movie, candy, and LABOR!

Valentine's Day was pretty relaxed.  I took Ryan to Texas Land & Cattle for dinner and then we watched "Hurt Locker".  He had been wanting to see that movie.  The next morning Christian and I woke up to TONS of candy and a few gifts splashed all over the kitchen.  Ryan even got a card and a few gifts for Taylor.  Apparently, she wanted to hurry up and open them....

We went to my dad's for dinner like we always do on Sunday night.  And, no... we did not have mexican food.  I felt fine all day, then around 10:30 I thought maybe I was feeling contractions.  I took a hot bath to see if that made them stop, but it didn't.  So I told Ryan that we should go in, just in case.  My mom came over to stay with Christian. 
As soon as we got there and went in to sign the papers, I knew it was the real deal.  It was 11:15 and the contractions were STRONG!  I went to the bathroom to put on my gown and my water broke.  I came out - in shock - and told the nurse.  I was already at a 6.  I kept telling her that I didn't want to have this baby natural and was ready for my epidural at any time.  She kept piddling around and told me that once they got me to a room  I could get it.  A rent-a-doctor came in to ask me ridiculous questions mid-contraction such as "what time of the day do you take your vitamins?".  I couldn't tell him my name at that moment, especially something as stupid as that!  Ryan was pissed at that point.  I was finally taken up to my room after the nurses joked around and took their time. As one of the nurses tried to put a needle in my arm, I had a very hard contraction.  My legs jerked and knocked the glass vile off of the bed.  She snapped "I told you there is glass on the bed!  You can't move like that!".  I had no control over my body at this point.  She could have easily just set her stuff on the table... Rude.  As she looked for whatever it was that I made her drop, the needle was in my arm without a vile.  Blood was just gushing out everywhere.  She, Ryan, and another nurse searched around under the bed.  Then she looked up and the part she needed was sitting right next to me!  She said "Sorry about this mess".  Yeah... blood was all over the place.  During all of this I kept saying "I really need that epidural right now".  But, it was too late.  All of the sudden I felt all of this pressure and my stomach starting pushing down.  I said "She is coming right now!".  The nurse said, that is just pressure because she has moved down.  I said "no, I mean she is seriously coming out right now!".  They checked and sure enough, I was right.  The nurses kept telling me not to push, we had to wait on the doctor.  I had no control over this, though.  She was coming with or without the doctor.  Luckily, the doctor walked in just at that time and told me to PUSH!!  After doing that twice, her head was out.  I thought the hard part was over.  Then I had to push again, only this time there was a problem.  Her shoulders were stuck behind my pelvic bone.  They had to push her back up and turn her.  That was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life!  I said a few bad words, and then she was out.  It was 12:08.  They said once something like that happens (shoulder dystocia), its very likely to happen in subsequent pregnancies.  My babies keep getting bigger, but I am not built to handle them.  Taylor was 8 lbs 4 oz and 19 3/4" long (considering she was 2 weeks early, this is really big).  So I would need a C-section next time, probably could have used it this time.  That sealed the deal for me.  No more kids.  We really would have liked to have 3, but 2 will work just fine.  I will just rely on my 4 other siblings to provide lots of kids! 

And then last night, Christian read Taylor a book.  Sooo sweet!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowfights and Igloos

I still can't believe we made an ALL TIME RECORD of snowfall in DFW!!!

 Christian with Chathali and Nehansa at his nanny's house.

 Even Bam left his mark in the snow... It was yellow.

This looks like fun, but didn't work as well as we thought.

 This is the neighbor's truck. Look at that pile on top! News says we got 12.6 inches.

This limb is usually waaaay out of reach. Here it is almost touching the driveway.

 Assessing the damage the next morning...

Ryan checking out all the fallen limbs.

 And another one...

 And another one...

And another one.

 Ryan was building snow bricks as CK was pegging him with snowballs.

The start of the igloo.

Getting bigger...

And bigger...

Tah-dah!  The igloo!

The big ol' snowman!
(they put him in the neighbor's yard for some reason)


Friday, February 5, 2010

Bedtime story

Christian decided to read to ME the other night and chose his bath book from when he was was baby.  Its a classic story... like Velveteen Rabbit, Little Women or Aesop's Fables. 

A crafty family...

Craftiness runs in my family.  Every aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, sister, etc has some incredible talent for art.  As you probably saw on a previous post, my mom made a really cute carseat/carrier cover, as she did for Christian when he was a baby.  She also has made a few Boppy covers.  Now she is working on the fun stuff... GIRL CLOTHES!  She has lots of projects lined up, but started on this outfit because it seemed fun.  (She handmade the ladybug applique.)

Christian has inherited this gift... plus the anal temperament that runs in my family.  He was at my mom's a few nights ago. The next morning I received this email:

Yesterday when Christian was painting with watercolors and after Mike got home, Christian asked Mike if he wanted to paint with him. So Mike goes over by Christian and starts to paint on the paper (same paper as CK). Christian got so frustrated with where Mike was painting and what he was painting that he said, ‘I need you go sit on the couch and watch TV because you’re not very good at this.’ Mike laughed then walked away to sit down.
Christian looked up at me with such a disgusted face, saying ‘he’s not very good at this’ while shaking his head.

Here is his artwork (Christian's, not Mike's):

And here is a butterfly he made a while back...

Tistan Teddy Map-hews

I taught Christian how to say his full name and birthday when he was about 18 months old.  Ever notice the bracelet on his wrist?  That is his ID bracelet.  My #1 fear is someone is going to kidnap him or he will get lost.  I never thought to record it before, until the other night. 
(This is when we thought we just KNEW we were naming this girl Taylor Rose Matthews... we are no longer sure)
Little cutie pie.