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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Christian is a pro skateboarder!

Christian and one of my brothers, Mark, decided to skateboard down the driveway of the vacant house down the road. Christian thinks Mark is just sooo super duper cool when he skateboards and he mimics his every move. Christian really has such awesome coordination and has been doing this since he was only 2 years old, though he learned how to ride a skateboard when he was 1. I have only recorded him a few times and here are 4 of the more recent videos.

(I need to remember to bring my camera with me more often! I have already missed the opportunity to record Christian doing flips in the pool. And it is just too cute! Dang it. Its a mom's job to brag and I am slacking here!)

Mark was trying to teach Christian how to steer, but I think he is too light to control the board. He is still just a tiny squirt. But, what an adorable little cutie pie!

Here Christian is still veering to right on this hill. He never does that on our driveway, so I think this one may be tilted a bit.

Christian makes it to street and feels so awesome about it!

What a pro!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that he loves to skateboard! I'm glad you found my blog....I had no idea you had one. Great to see your family and catch up on you! Christian sure is a cutie!


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