Friday, September 25, 2009
18 week check-up
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Christian is a pro skateboarder!
Christian and one of my brothers, Mark, decided to skateboard down the driveway of the vacant house down the road. Christian thinks Mark is just sooo super duper cool when he skateboards and he mimics his every move. Christian really has such awesome coordination and has been doing this since he was only 2 years old, though he learned how to ride a skateboard when he was 1. I have only recorded him a few times and here are 4 of the more recent videos.
(I need to remember to bring my camera with me more often! I have already missed the opportunity to record Christian doing flips in the pool. And it is just too cute! Dang it. Its a mom's job to brag and I am slacking here!)
Mark was trying to teach Christian how to steer, but I think he is too light to control the board. He is still just a tiny squirt. But, what an adorable little cutie pie!
Here Christian is still veering to right on this hill. He never does that on our driveway, so I think this one may be tilted a bit.
Christian makes it to street and feels so awesome about it!
What a pro!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
September highlights...
Christian is running to catch up with the other kids before the calf round-up begins.
Will is getting ready to ride.

Christian's crush, Shelby. He says "I want to kiss her a lot". ha ha ha! She is Will's girlfriend.
We went to my dad's farm for Labor Day weekend. We had a lot of fun out there, as we always do! There were so many people out there! 3 out of my 4 siblings brought a friend or girlfriend, my aunt, uncle, and 3 cousins were out there, along with my other uncle, my cousin, and his girlfriend. We all seemed to love the crowd and everything worked out smoothly.

Christian's 3rd birthday party
I can't believe I haven't added the pics from Christian's third birthday party yet. Well, here they are. He had so much fun! I think the grown-ups had the most fun, though. We made a dino tar pit out of cornstarch and water (I originally planned on making it brown, but couldn't figure out a way to do that w/o staining everyone's clothes). That is some crazy stuff! If you put a ball of it in your hand and squeeze, it crumbles. But if you relax your hand, it turns to liquid and melts. AMAZ-ZA-ZING!!

The sweet birthday boy!
All the kiddos loved the slip n slide.
Christian and his Akki.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Belly pic
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Baby and Baseball
We are both hoping for a boy, but will be happy with a healthy baby either way. It would just be easier since I already have all of the boy stuff. I saved a lot of Christian's baby clothes and all of his gadgets. I can't believe how much crap babies "need"!! I really think I did use all of it, too.
I don't remember having morning sickness this long with Christian. I did have it REALLY bad, but I think it went away around 14 weeks. I threw up again just this morning and still feel nauseous. I took medication for the first 13 weeks of this pregnancy to help with the vomiting. It was too difficult to work a full day and then go home to cook dinner, play with Christian, do laundry, and keep the house clean - all while taking a break every 30 minutes to make a run for the bathroom. Ryan has been a HUGE help with everything, but some things I would rather do myself. I become even more particular when pregnant... hard to believe!
If we have a girl, we are thinking of either Taylor Rose/Ann (Rose is a dual family name, but Ann just sounds great!) or Isla Rose (Isla is like island, the 's' is silent). I am leaning towards Taylor. If its a boy, Ryan really likes the name Dash Keegan. I like Ralley, but don't know about a middle name.
This little one has a lot to live up to! Christian is such a cool and mellow kid with lots of talents. I hope this one is equally entertaining and well behaved.
And a quick note about that sweet Christian... we signed him up for baseball! Its really t-ball, but Christian calls it baseball. The team name is the Rock Hounds. He has a game every Saturday. We went to the parents meeting this past Saturday. CK is by far the smallest kid on the team! Little muchkin. The cut-off birthday is September 1, and since Christian's birthday is on August 10 he might also be the one of the youngest. But that kid sure can hit a fast ball, curve ball, or any other kind of ball you throw his way! He's a natural. I will post pics of his cute little miniature uniform once we get everything.